FUSION Solar-Powered LED Lighting

Great Lakes Cheese Receives Sustainability Award

By February 3, 2023 No Comments

Great Lakes Cheese located in Plymouth, Wisconsin was presented the energybank Sustainability Award for
demonstrating continued leadership in sustainable business practices. While evaluating the savings opportunity for
conversion of fluorescent lighting to LED in their administrative offices, Great Lakes Cheese selected the
energybank FUSION™ system which combines LED with photovoltaic solar allowing Great Lakes Cheese to power
the new LED fixtures with renewable energy generated at their facility. The successful initiative was undertaken to
significantly reduce energy consumption while increasing efficiency and sustainability.

FUSION™ Solar-Powered LED is a ground-breaking system that combines solar power and traditional grid power to
directly energize LED light fixtures in commercial/industrial applications. The solar power harvested by FUSION
directly energizes the integrated LED fixtures within a facility, dramatically reducing daytime lighting costs.

Mark Majerus, Great Lakes Cheese Maintenance Manager at the Plymouth facility, took the lead on the solarpowered lighting initiative. The plant has implemented different technologies to decrease their lighting needs and
water usage, and has an impressive recycling program that has decreased their total tons to landfill by 70% over
the past five years.
Majerus accepted the energybank Sustainability Award presented by energybank Vice President John McHugh,
commenting, “Always doing the right thing is a part of the culture here at Great Lakes Cheese. We are very
satisfied with the results of the FUSION solar-powered LED project.”
“The FUSION system effectively reduces demand on the grid during peak times (when electricity is most expensive)
by displacing demand for utility generated energy with energy harvested directly from the sun,” commented
McHugh. “FUSION helps customers improve their operations by delivering high-performance light output for the
least amount of energy input. Congratulations to Great Lakes Cheese for demonstrating leadership in
Made in the USA, patent-pending FUSION direct solar-powered LED lighting is a distributed renewable located at
an end-user’s facility. FUSION offers end-users a ground-breaking, innovative new clean energy technology that is
both economically and environmentally sustainable, making environmental stewardship good for business.